Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Sean Brown

This article will explain why you should get a pull up bar. Then we can talk about how you can get one yourself. We'll talk, of course, about how you can use the bar. The equipment is extremely popular for a reason, as you'll see in a second. Mine has been mine for over a year, and I'm loving it.

One of the most fundamental yet additional widespread workout equipment is the doorway chinup bar. Many doorway chin up bars is going to allow anyone's palms pointing towards one other. Now if anyone desire in order to do these from home buy a number of these pullup bars that grapple the the ceiling.
So, I've worked with a chin up bar for for a few months, and it rocks.

The method the marines have always had it established is in front of almost all mess rooms there are doorway chin up bars. mounted chinup bars will create biceps and triceps as any piece of equipment.

To tone the upper body and for sculpting the arms, mounted chinup bars and sit up bars are possible. The great thing regarding doorway pullup bars is that there very little borders. A doorway chinup bar is really life-changing. Anyone could use it to exercise your arms. A door pull up bar is a wooden chin up pole you grab and work your body out. A bicep exercises your arms - a chin up clever work outs your shoulders. There are tons types of exercise styles you might use the exercise bar for. There are other many diversified patterns of tools, anything from door chinup bars, door chin up bars, door chin up bars, doorway chinup bars, to ! mounted pull up bars, etc.

Plus, I'm very, very ! amazed I grappled my chin up bar. It basically was one of the best concepts I've acted on, and I can get into shape quick.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Michelle Rudge

Do you have what seems to be a complete lack of ability in the area of remembering things? When you have finished reading a book or magazine do your find you can't remember any of the specifics but only have a general overview? I have been just the same, and it's the reason why I'm writing here. You'll be pleased to know that you can actually begin the process of improving memory just by some simple exercises. Your brain is just like any other part of your body, if you don't use it, it will lose strength and agility.

Some researchers say that we are all born with a photographic memory, it's true that we are certainly all born with a! n amazing ability to absorb information, develop and learn. As babies we utilized a larger portion of our brain but as we got older, we use it less and less and we consequently use less of it's capacity. But it is possible to strengthen the neural pathways and train ourselves to use more of our brains capacity.

To get you started on improving memory, here are just six simple steps that you can utilize every day to exercise your brain. It may take a bit of getting used to, but the benefits are well worth it. 1. Pay attention - in order to remember something properly you need to have absorbed the information in the first place. Recognize that while reading or listening you may need to remove distractions from around you. 2. Learn what your learning style is and use that when absorbing information. So if you're a visual learner you will do better if you can see what you're learning as opposed to just listening to an audio. 3. Use all your senses - or as many as po! ssible. Even if you are a visual learner, you will benefit fro! m being able to hear or feel what you are learning as well.

4. Relate any new data or information to something that is already familiar to you. Like visually connecting the name of a woman you have just met with your favorite flower. 5. Get organized. Nothing helps with your memory as much as being organized with a diary, address book or notebooks. This frees up you mind to concentrate on the important things and makes you more relaxed. 6. Keeping a positive mental attitude is of utmost importance. This allows your brain to expect success.

No one can 'make' you improve yourself or 'make' you become a better person, except you. So if you've made it this far, it's because you want more than what this life currently has to offer. If you're on a path to improving memory it's because you want to learn faster, retain more information, comprehend better, be more knowledgable, develop new skills, get a promotion, appreciate art or music or literature. The reasons f! or improving memory are vast, yet so personal. But gaining all these benefits starts with you taking a step.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Bart Icles

Teamwork is very essential in the workplace. Through this, all of the employees will become united and work as one - thus becoming very productive. Another advantage of having teamwork in the workplace is the warm and friendly ambience this projects. Bec! ause of this, everyone will feel comfortable with each other and will be able to function with each other well. With these effects brought about by teamwork, it is a no brainer that having this is really very important.

There are companies which are fortunate enough to have teamwork instilled in their working attitude right away. But, there are also a lot of companies who need help in uniting their workers together in the workplace. Those companies who have difficulty with getting everyone to connect with each other hold teamwork workshops to enhance everyone's relationship with each other.

The purpose of these workshops is to bind everyone together. Communication is given much emphasis and the team members are taught how to relate effectively with each other. Each others' talents are recognized and the team practices teamwork by thinking how to maximize these talents to their full potential. The teamwork seminars are similar with team building b! ecause they strengthen the group and teach them how to handle ! trials w hich they will probably face in the future.

Another thing that teams could benefit from teamwork trainings is the added knowledge regarding building a high performance and being able to maintain it. They will be given tips on how to do just this. This training will not only focus on improving team spirit but it will also give specific attention to the individual members of the team. It will try to encourage the workers to improve their individual team building skills so that it could work for the benefit of everybody. This training should not consist purely of boring lectures. Although, there may be some lectures, there should be plenty of activities which will challenge the participants to take part in the workshops actively.

To determine that teamwork training is effective, the participants should be able to gain new insight on working as one and becoming more productive after the activities. They should understand how each individual member of ! the team is important in achieving success for the team. They should also recognize just how vital good communication is and know the different approaches of doing so. Team members should be able to know various methods of how to solve conflicts among other members. Creativity and resourcefulness should also be given importance in the team.

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By Alex Wu

Single parents also need to go out and find mate. But as they are no longer the teenagers or young adults who mostly seek for romance, single parents have to consider some things in dating. Just like the others, finding mates at online dating site can be good choice. You can find more people and take time to know them personally.

The process can even grow while you are at home or office. As a single ! parent, you can not let go the responsibilities to take care of the children and home while finding a new partner. The process may be tougher, but you can not limit yourself longer. Everyone can find love for lifetime togetherness.

First, integrate yourself. To start your online dating experience, make sure you know the rules. It is important that you take care of yourself above anything else. There is reason to feel inferior or set self-limit. To find someone who cares, you should love yourself in advance. So show up your self-respect and confidence in your profile. Place one of your best pictures and state all the true information. Write your qualities and other positive things that show your affection. Interested candidates would like to know your real life, while the serious one would take you the way you are.

Second, have a look first. After you find some candidates or new 'friends', it is time to get some a closer look. Take the process eas! y because you are not in hurry. Try some chats to figure out w! hat kid of person your new friends are. As they know your status, you can be selective to see which one who has potency for further relationship and which one who does not. Single or too young candidates usually have short term targets to reach in their life. They may also put priority in fun than family life. You should see what you can compromise and give. Do not push the relationship to grow if you are not sure. If they are not ready for a commitment, if they do not plan to give up some parts and compromise, or in short, if they do not love that much to take the whole package, let it go.

Third, make deeper selection. Consider whether you want to give priority to single parents, or you want to give chance to singles as well. Age also matters. If you are a single Mom, you may prefer an older partner. There are some important factors to consider here. Singles may not be as ready as you are to have children, especially because they are not the biological father or mothe! r. With single parents, you both have to manage with each other's children in addition to your own. And even if you are looking for older singles or single parents, some may just open to a partner and not to any more children in the family. Set your criteria and look at your candidates'. If both are fine with each other's condition, start from the two of you first. There is no need to include the children until you are committed further.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

3 one credit report Beat Credit Card Companies at Their Own Game!

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Have you ever wondered how much money a credit card company makes? Have you ever wondered how much of that comes from late fees? Everyone has and if you haven''t you should because most likely you own a credit card, which means that these late fees has or could directly affect you.

As you have probably taken notice, credit card late fees are on the rise and have been so for awhile. There is enormous competitive pressure on credit-card interest rates and annual fees, an! d this has given way to a fee frenzy. For credit card issuers, late fees now represent their third largest revenue stream, (interest revenues and merchant fees rank first and second, respectively). In essence, those who pay late are now covering the costs for those credit card users who do not carry a revolving balance and those who file for bankruptcy.

So how much are credit card companies making from issuing late fees? Over the years we have watched the number of late fees charged to consumers jump to record-high levels. Late fees can range from $10 to as much as $40. The average late fee more than doubled since 1996 from $13.28 to $29.84. In fact, many major card issuers are now charging a $35 late fee. Let''s assume that 100,000 people made late payments for a particular month and they were charged a late fee of $30 for doing so. This would add up to $3 million in revenue. As you can see, credit card companies are making a lot of money off of card holders and ther! e is no slow down in sight regarding the increase in late fees! .

Credit card companies are making a killing off the late fees they issue to their customers and they don''t mind doing it because their ultimate goal is to make money. They are like any other for-profit business in that they sell a product or service for revenue. In the case of credit card companies, the product happens to be credit. These companies aren''t just some "thing" sucking up as much money as they can. These "things" are run by man. And wherever man is involved, greed also becomes involved. These people are just like you and me. They may have a family to support, bills to pay, etc. Most people don''t work just for the pure enjoyment, but for money, a source of income. And the more income we achieve the easier and better our lives become, supposedly.

Some of you may be asking, "So what do we do about the late fees?" Well there''s an article that I wrote awhile back that you may be interested in. You can find this article at http://! . It addresses several methods and tips to avoid having to pay a late fee. One method in particular that I would like to address further in this article is the Skip-a-Payment technique. If you happen to know that you can''t pay your credit card bill for a particular month just skip it. Next Month Online is an independent company from credit card issuers. They allow their visitors to skip a payment for a nominal fee. This fee is generally 70% less than your typical late fee. You will accrue no late fee and no bad mark on your credit report. Credit unions often offer this type of service for loans or mortgages, but first you have to fill out an application and then you need to qualify. With Next Month Online, there is no application to fill out and everyone qualifies as long as they have a credit card. Credit card companies are not very happy with Next Month Online because they are losing money every time someone uses the Skip! a Payment service. This is by far the best service you can us! e if you know you will be late because you save a lot of money and avoid all the hassles that come with bad credit.

Credit card companies are not backing down from increasing fees. They, for some reason, do not see us as people who make mistakes once in awhile or people with other priorities in our lives. They want their money and they want it now! This is the reason you should not back down either. Hit them where it hurts, their pocketbooks. If you know you will be late for a particular month, just use a skip a payment service because the credit card companies will no longer be taking money from you, you will be taking money from them.

About the Author Daryl Flagg is the founder and CEO of Next Month Online. Next Month Online is a service that allows its visitors to skip credit card payments. They can be found at Sign up for free!', 127, 'Beat Credit Card Companies at Their Own ! Game!, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Beat Credit Card Companies at Their Own Game! plus articles and information on Credit'

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Do you know why you should check your credit report?

Of course you do, because you have undoubtedly experienced one working in your life!

No matter where you roam, your credit report follows you through life, updating all! aspects of your life: your employment, where you live, your opened credit accounts, your closed accounts, your payment history, and even public records on you.

In this country, a good credit history brings you benefits of all kinds--a home mortgage, an apartment lease, an auto loan, or even more credit--with ease.

Like a job resume, your credit file carries a lot of weight, that''s why you need to keep an eye on what it says about you.

Many options are cut off to you if you do not look "credit worthy" on paper. A bad report can mean higher rates on loans and insurance. It can also mean whether you get hired or promoted by a growing number of employers who now use them in the evaluation process.

Even if you think you have a good credit standing and you pay your bills on time, you still need to review your credit file for accuracy.

Studies have shown that credit files have an error rate as high as 70%, often the result of simple human or compute! r error.

Sometimes these errors show you being late in p! aying yo ur bills when you are not. Your file might even leave out information that could sway a decision in your favor. The most common error is where damaging information of another person, with a similar name or account number, is mixed into your profile.

Monitor your personal credit file so that you are alerted whenever negative or derogatory items are reported against you.

A neglected credit file can lead to some major inconveniences in your life in the future.

You should fix mistakes or remove any incorrect information as soon as you find it. Errors that creep onto your report take time to correct. Catching these mistakes when they occur helps resolve them faster.

When you improve your credit worthiness you can qualify for better rates - which adds up to big savings for you.

Even if you think you have an unblemished past, checking your report lets you know what a future lender or employer will learn about you.

If your cred! it report is less than perfect now, you can deal with lingering problems effectively, and move towards a better credit standing in the future.

A good credit rating means more money in your pocket and less out the door!

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(c) Mary Arce - All Rights reserved

Mary Arce is a consumer advocate and author helping Americans solve their credit problems and save massive amounts of money on mortgage and credit card interest. WHY are some people getting RICH managing their debt?

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Article is also available ! by email - send blank email to:', 127, 'Do you Know the Benefits of Checking your Credit Report?, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Do you Know the Benefits of Checking your Credit Report? plus articles and information on Credit'

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And some practical advice too!

My first credit card?

I remember my college days when it seemed there was a credit card advertisement on practically every bulletin board on campus. The banks would travel to the college and set up application booths on registration day. Hundreds of students would apply for a credit card. As an enticement, we were offered freebies like! T-shirts, water bottles, and key chains. So I took whatever they were handing out. You can''t beat free. The next thing I knew, I had signed on the dotted line. It wasn''t long before that little plastic card arrived in the mail. It was time to establish my credit history. I was off to the mall. Life was good!

Stuff happens?

I made my student credit card the solution to all my financial emergencies when I attended college. Needless to say there were plenty of them. There were tuition bills, school supplies, car repairs, and midnight pizzas to pay for. The old saying was true. "When they''ve got you, they''ve got you". That little piece of plastic bailed me out of more financial predicaments than I could count. I honestly don''t know what I would have done without it. The student credit card "thing" was a pretty cool idea.

My day of reckoning?

The monthly statements arrived one after another. I had been in the habit of making the ! minimum payment and ignoring the bottom line. Not a good idea.! All tho se credit card purchases left me with a pretty hefty balance. The finance charges were mind-boggling. It was time to take action. I started to allocate more of my monthly income toward my credit card bill and phased out frivolous purchases. My balance actually began to dwindle (Thank God). I developed a better understanding of what credit cards are intended to be. They''re certainly not free money! Put simply, they''re a convenient loan that has to be repaid.

A word to the wise?

When applying for a credit card, students need to consider the fees involved. Take a hard look at the finance charge, annual fee, and late payment fee. Shy away from cash advances if possible. Consider a low limit credit card. Do a comparison and search for competitive rates. Study your card agreement thoroughly. If you don''t understand something, call customer service. Ask questions.

Set up a realistic budget and follow it closely. Avoid impulse shopping on you! r credit card. Try to use the card only in real emergencies. Try to pay your bill promptly and keep your finance charges to a minimum. This will help you to establish a good credit history.

You may also want to consider using a debit card. The money is deducted right out of your checking account. This way you can''t spend more than you have.

Remember to approach credit cards sensibly. When used properly, they can be a real lifesaver!

Don Yacono is a Publisher and Webmaster at Credit Cards Made Easy .com

Visit his website at to view all the up to the minute credit card and financial news from around the world.

Visit now to apply online for the best low interest credit cards and payday loans.', 127, 'My Student Credit Card Adventure, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'My Student Cr! edit Card Adventure plus articles and information on Credit

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Here are some useful tips on using credit cards. Whether you shop online, by telephone or by mail, a credit card can make buying many things much easier; but when you use a credit card, it''s important to keep track of your spending.

Incidental and impulse purchases add up, and each one you make with a credit card is a separate loan. When the bill comes, you have to pay what you owe. Owing m! ore than you can afford to repay can damage your credit rating.

Keeping good records can prevent a lot of headaches, especially if there are inaccuracies on your monthly statement. If you notice a problem, promptly report it to the company that issued the card. Usually the instructions for disputing a charge are on your monthly statement.

If you order by mail, by telephone or online, keep copies and printouts with details about the transaction. These details should include the company''s name, address and telephone number; the date of your order; a copy of the order form you sent to the company or a list of the stock codes of the items ordered; the order confirmation code; the ad or catalog from which you ordered.

Finally, if you have a credit card, take the following precautions:

Never lend it to anyone.

Never sign a blank charge slip. Draw lines through blank spaces on charge slips above the total so the amount can''t be changed.

Never ! put your account number on the outside of an envelope or on a ! postcard .

Always be cautious about disclosing your account number on the telephone unless you know the person you''re dealing with represents a reputable company.

Always carry only the cards you anticipate using to prevent the possible loss or theft of all your cards or identification.

Always report lost or stolen credit cards to the card issuers as soon as possible.

You may freely reprint this article provided the author''s biography remains intact:

John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help UK homeowners find the best available loans via the website.', 127, 'Useful Tips on Using Credit Cards, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Useful Tips on Using Credit Cards plus articles and information on Credit

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Here is how to prepare a financial statement, for the purpose of negotiating reduced payments with your creditors.

Secured/Unsecured debts.
Before we get into the substance of this, let''s ensure we are clear about the significance of secured debts.

If the debt is secured, there is a risk that the ite! m upon which the debt is secured could be re-possessed, if payments are not maintained. One of the most common forms of secured debt is the mortgage -- which also typically represents a very large debt and therefore a potentially very large problem.

There are two important points to note concerning secured/unsecured debts and attempting to reduce payments.

1. any creditor who is owed a secured debt has no reason to accept reduced payment. The creditor, in nearly all cases, would rather re-possess the item upon which the debt is secured

2. The borrower must be aware that, in the case of a secured debt, any change in the agreed payments carries a risk that the item upon which the debt is secured could be re-possessed, unless the creditor agrees in advance to accept the change. Thus, in most cases, it is only unsecured debts which offer the chance of a potential reduction in payments.

Right, on to the financial statement.

The following are the ite! ms you should list, where applicable, in order to present your! total i ncome and expenditure. You should calculate and enter a monthly figure for these items.

You might like to copy and paste the following items into your Word Processor/Spreadsheet/Text Editor for printing out.


Wages Salary (after all deductions)........................

Partners or second salary (after all deductions)...........
Child/One Parent...........................................
Income Support.............................................
Family Credit..............................................
Lodger/Dependants............! ..............................

Rent/Mortgage Arrears........................................
Second Mortgage..............................................
Endowment/Mortgage Protection................................
Child Maintenance............................................
Life/House Insurance.........................................
Council Tax..................................................
Water Rates..................................................
TV Licence/Rental.........................! ...................
School Meals........................! ........ .................
Meals at Work................................................
Car Tax/Insurance............................................
Travelling Expenses..........................................
Spending Money...............................................
Total .......................................................

You should ensure that this total expenditure figure is sufficient for your needs, and that no items of expenditure can be considered excessive. Obviously, total expenditure cannot be MORE than total income.

Your income figures will need to be proven by a copy of a recent payslip.

Look out for How To Get Rid Of Debt Problems Step 3, where we look at ''How To Negotiate Reduced Payments With Creditors''

Rob Hawkins is the owner of Debt Consolidation UK. His company Chiltern! Debt Management UK has helped more than 50,000 people to get rid of debt problems, and won the coveted ''Debt Counsellor of the Year 2004'' award.', 133, 'How To Get Rid Of Debt Problems Step 2 -- How To Prepare A Financial Statement, Debt-Consolidation, Debt-Consolidation articles, Debt-Consolidation information, about Debt-Consolidation, what is Debt-Consolidation, Debt Consolidation Information', 'How To Get Rid Of Debt Problems Step 2 -- How To Prepare A Financial Statement plus articles and information on Debt-Consolidation

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We have all experienced getting so far in debt we don''t know how we''re going to get out. There are many different options that you have for quick relief with benefits and consequences. You can look at the overview and see which option is the best option for you.


1. Benefits

  • Lower monthly ! payments

  • No worry of paying multiple debt collectors every month, pay only one agency

  • Percentage of debt charged by consolidation company

  • Costs for Loan

  • Cost for counseling or negotiation

2. Negatives

  • Appears on your credit like bankruptcy

  • Requires you to get another loan

  • If you own a home loan will be tied to your equity

  • Takes between 5 and 10 years to pay off the loan

  • First few years no big change in debt reduction

  • Does not always prevent creditors from future legal collection action


1. Benefits

  • Costs between $700-$3000

2. Negatives

  • On credit report for ten years

  • Finances made public record

  • No assets are allowed with Chapter7

  • Creditors can file adversarial hearing that costs $3000

  • Credit severely damaged

    Debt Relief Program

    1. Benefits


    • P ayments can stop as soon as the program starts

    • Credit Repair available after a short time

    • Good credit repair options available

    3. Negatives

    • Usually only credit card debt and unsecured signature loan

    About The Author

    Marcus Ware is the webmaster of and promotor of affiliate products.', 134, 'What Are The Benefits and Consequences Of Getting Rid Of Debt The Easy Way, Debt-Relief, Debt-Relief articles, Debt-Relief information, about Debt-Relief, what is Debt-Relief, Debt Relief Information', 'What Are The Benefits and Consequences Of Getting Rid Of Debt The Easy Way plus articles and information on Debt-Relief

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Let''s face it, having credit is no longer a choice. "Do! n''t leave home without it" is more like "can''t buy a home without it." Your credit now determines the neighborhood you live in, the kind of car you drive and, sometimes, even whether or not you get a particular job.

Credit cards are great financial tools and the convenience they provide is beyond question

They are easier to carry than cash and offer valuable consumer protection under federal law.

Establishing A Good Credit History

Suppose you haven''t financed a car loan, a computer or some other major purchase. How do you begin to establish credit?

First, consider applying for a credit card issued by a local store and use it responsibly. Ask if they report to a credit bureau, most major department stores do. If they do and if you pay your bills on time you''ll establish a good credit history.

Second, consider a secured credit card. A secured credit card requires that you open and maintain a bank account or other asset ac! count at a financial institution as security for your line of ! credit. Your line of credit will be a percentage of your deposit, typically from 50 to 100 percent. Credit card application and processing fees are not uncommon for secured credit cards. In addition, secured credit cards usually carry higher interest rates than traditional no secured credit cards.

What To Do When You Are Denied A Credit Card

If you''re turned down for a credit card, it is important that you ask why. It may be that you haven''t been at our current address or job long enough, or that your income doesn''t meet the issuer''s criteria. As you''ll discover, different credit cards companies have different standards. But, if you are turned down by several companies, that may indicate that you are not ready for a credit card.

On the other hand, if you''ve been denied a credit card because of information supplied by a credit bureau, federal law requires the creditor to give you the name, address and telephone number of the bureau that supplied the informatio! n. If you contact that credit bureau within 60 days of receiving the denial, you are entitled to a free copy of your report.

It is extremely important that you dispute any inaccuracy with the credit bureau, but also with the company that furnished the information to the credit bureau. No one is going to make corrections on your behalf.

"Credi-quette" --The Miss Manners Guide To Proper Credit Card Handling

Once you get a card in the mail, sign it immediately so no one else can use it. Note that the accompanying papers have important information, such as customer service telephone numbers in case you have questions or your card is lost or stolen. File this information in a safe place ? one that is easy for you to access.

Call the card issuer to activate the card. Most cards come with stickers affixed that give you a telephone number to call. Many issuers require this step to minimize fraud and to give you additional inform! ation.

Keep your account information to yourself. Never ! give out a credit card number or expiration date over the phone unless you know who you''re dealing with. A criminal can use this information to steal money from you, or even assume your credit identity.

Keep copies of sales slips and compare charges when your bill arrives. Promptly report in writing any questionable charges to the card issuer.

Don''t lend your card to anyone, even a friend. Your credit privileges and history are too precious to risk.

Credit Card Land Mines ? Watch Your Step!

While a credit card makes it easy to buy something now and pay for it later, you can lose track of how much you''ve spent by the time the bill arrives if you''re not careful. And if you don''t pay your bill in full, you''ll probably have to pay finance charges on the unpaid balance. What''s more if you continue to charge while carrying an outstanding balance , your debt can snowball.

Before you know it, your minimum payment is only covering the interest. If you sta! rt having trouble repaying the debt, you could tarnish your credit report. And that can have a sizable impact on your life. When a negative report makes it more difficult to finance a car or home, get insurance or even get a job, it can be frustrating, embarrassing and downright painful.

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It can be difficult to wade through the masses of credit card offers you may receive, especially when low interest credit cards and rewards cards catch your eye. From business credit cards to personal and student cards, do some research before you sign up.

In 1951, Diners Club issued the very first credit card t! o 200 customers who could use it at a selection of twenty seven restaurants in New York City. From that modest beginning, credit cards have grown to become an indispensable part of modern life.

Nowadays consumers rely on their credit cards to help them achieve their lifestyle goals by letting them take advantage of special bargains, spread payments out over several months, and provide cash in emergencies. Credit cards have become so widespread that they are often accepted as a piece of primary identification.

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Times Card, India's first 'Entertainment Credit Card' from TimesofMoney and Barclays provides a unique proposition for all movie- buffs. It offers 25% flat discount on movie tickets -anytime, any movie, any day. This discount can be availed at all multiplexes like Fame Adlabs, Fun Cinemas, and Cinemax across the city. Card holders get to watch a movie at 3/4th of its cost. With the purchase of a couple of movie tickets, the card holder earns discount, thus saving enough to enjoy popcorn. All a customer needs to do is; check the theatre details at and book the tickets at the counter to avail the discount.

Along with this discount offer, Times Card holders are also eligible for special discounts on the latest movie blockbuster releases, concerts , high profile shows, top brand apparels, footwear, furn! iture, holiday resorts, weekend destinations and special packa! ges, bea uty salons, spas, fitness centers, health clinics, dance academies and many more.

Times Card holders can also surprise their loved ones with the best discount offers this festive season. They can now enjoy up to 25% discount in more than 50 restaurants and hotels in Mumbai. These discounts are valid till Jan 31, 2008.Times Card holders can earn points on swiping their card which can be redeemed for gift vouchers.

So if you are an IndianResident and aged between 18 and 70, you can apply for the exclusive Times Card from Barclaycard and TimesofMoney.

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Not all consumers learnt about the recent lowering of credit limits by card-issuing banks the usual way—via a bank statement , email or SMS. According to a senior Mumbai banker, they learnt about the sudden development only when their card swipe transaction was declined at a merchant establishment. The banker says aggrieved consumers can file a complaint at the banking ombudsman on two counts.

One, for not being informed about the change. According to the Banking Codes and Standards Board of India , an independent banking industry watchdog, banks must notify any change in fees or charges, through the website, statements of accounts , email, SMS alerts and notice board at branc! hes — 30 days before the revised charges become effective.

Not informing consumers is a violation of the Code of Bank's Commitment. "Banks sometimes try to wriggle out of their responsibility of informing customers by saying that the statement (to the effect ) had been mailed. But they have to prove that it was received by the customer by producing a copy of the acknowledgement along with the date of issue of the statement,'' says the banker.

Two, the consumer can file another, deficiency in service case for "loss of face' ' one suffers when a card transaction is rejected in public. Consumers usually do not report one-off denial of card swipe, although it can seriously embarrass and inconvenience them, especially at a restaurant, a medical facility or while paying for tickets.

Such a situation could arise vis-a-vis debit cards too. A Mumbai resident, who recently produced his debit card at a supermarket, was shocked to learn that his transaction was denied. The counter executive could not swipe the card more than twice, because after a third unsuccessful swipe, it would get automatically blocked. The consumer was all the more worried about his account balance. He called up the bank helpline and was relieved to learn that it was safe

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If you credit card debt then you know how frustrating it can be to see eaten in your hard-earned money received each month from the interest and fees applied by your lender. Repayment of a typical minimum repayment of £ 100 to £ 5,000 debt, the probability is that you really only about the repayment of € 20 - € 25 back per month, with the remainder going into the pocket of the bank. Now in this circumst! ance, most of us would be a different card for a look at the balance sheet and transferred using0% of those offers you the opportunity to repay your current debt and not that interested, but what if you will, all your credit card and no allowance you a new exhaust?

Credit Card Balance Transfer Checks

Some lenders such as Virgin and Lloyds TSB now offer 0% balance transfer checks to existing customers to transfer a balance to your existing cards and save money. This seemslike a good idea, as you do not have to apply for a new card with a new lender and go back through the lengthy process of filling out application forms. It's really easy to get a stack of checks in the postwar period, is all that you do fill out an order to the company you want to transfer my balance and hey presto! They have a balanced relationship with your existing card without restarting a new one! . You can even write a check to you when you are just a little! bit of money everysounds great, right? Or is it?

I am now 30 years old and having the blame for most of my twenties, I was constantly looking for solutions to me out of debt. When I first heard about credit card balance transfer checks, I thought, what a great idea! I was to soon realize this was not the case. After the use of checks, while many balance transfers, to raise money on interest, which I soon realized savings, ... It was not me! I was still paying interest! This isbecause lenders just send you 0% balance transfer checks, if you are already a claim on the map. For example, would, if my limit is £ 5000, the bank always check you send to me if I allow more than 50% of the limit applied, had. (with about a balance of € 2,500).

Let me explain a little further ...

If you have a balance on the card that you have the payment of interest and then use a balance transfer check move a! balance over, you are still paying interest on the current balance that you had, not only is this but the balance will be transferred to you get paid first, and then be stuck paying the full amount of interest on the existing They had balance.

Balance transfer checks work like a stack system. The bank will only send them to you if you have a credit on the card, in this way, if you do them a balance> Transmitted "traps" in the existing balance and pays the transferred balance first, so you had the full amount of interest on the balance that already on the card so that instead of chipping away at your debt will end up getting your pay lower in it! Sneaky eh?

What is the meaning of it with them?

Now there is a way to use them to your advantage. You must have sufficient funds available to cut off the balance in full doingat a given time. Thi! s is so if it does not arrive in the mail, you can clear y! our balance to 0 €, then do a balance transfer, the card is quite clear to start with and it will not pay the existing debt, interest on.

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While the vast majority of credit cards offer a 0% APR on balance transfers, not all deals are the same. In fact, some 0% APR balance transfer offers, you may wind up costs a lot of money in fees and interest rates. In this article we will go over the fine print and f! igure out how to find the best balance transfer credit card.

The first thing to look for in a 0% APR balance transfer credit card is the duration. Formost cases it is not hard to be a card that offers 0% for one year. However, some credit cards offer two levels for the balance transfers. Persons with excellent credit will get approved, and with a 0% rate for a full year. Those who are average or below average credit can get approved for the same card, but only offered a 0% rate for 3 months. This is one of those nasty credit card tricks buried in the fine print. To avoid an issue like this, please read the pricing information inthe terms and conditions.

If you have a credit card that offers a 0% APR on balance transfers for 1 year to the next area to examine is the fee. 99% of the total assets of 3% transfer fee credit card balance transfer fee with a maximum of $ 75. If you transfer decreases o! f more than $ 2,500, the percentage amount. For example, if yo! u are a transfer of $ 5,000 balance, you pay only $ 75, or 1.5%. With an average credit card interest ratesHover over 15%, with 3% and 1.5% still works out that a good deal.

While most credit cards offer a 0% APR on balance transfers cap the maximum fee at $ 75, some cards have increased the maximum fee dollar so much as $ 250. (Very few companies charge this amount and I can not name names), but you can avoid these maps with regard to the fees section in the terms and conditions of the credit card offer.

We have discussed the 99% of credit cards that charge balanceTransfer fees. Now for the rare (and pose increasingly rare) 1%, that no fee balance transfers. There are a few catches with this offer. First, many offer only a 0% for 6 months. Those who do not offer a 0% APR on balance transfers, no fee for a full year rule a 0% APR offer on the purchase. If you know that you are not using your credit card for new ! purchases, applying for one of these deals will bring the best savings. However, if you think that yoube with a balance from month to month throughout the year, you will end up paying much more money in interest on new purchases than we have spent on the balance transfer fee.

We hope that the process of selecting the best credit card offers a 0% APR on balance transfers now be easier to you with the information that credit card companies do not want you to know that armed. All you now need to do to save money to start looking after your interestsMap and apply.

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